Score Cards

The score card is the record of your game and it is important that it is filled in correctly. This job is usually done by the seconds. Below is an example card and notes on the information that is needed.

Example score cardNotes:

1.  Enter the date, sheet and competition at the top of the card. The match secretary needs this information to record the results to the correct competition.

2.  Enter the name of the team here. For Orwell Ladies competitions this is the name of the original skip as listed in the club card and not necessarily the name of the person skipping the game.

3.  Enter the initial and surname of each person playing in the relevant playing position boxes. Christian names alone are not enough as we have several players with the same names. If someone is in as a sub it is helpful if an (s) is added after their name.

4.  If a player is missing and no sub could be found leave the space next to their position free to make it clear the team were a player short.

5.  After each end enter the score for both teams and fill in the running total boxes.

6.  If a player was late or does not turn up then penalty points apply (see below). Write any penalty in the bottom row, and fill in the running total.

7.  Write the final score, including any penalty points, in the Total box towards the bottom of the card.

8.  Skips should check the card has been correctly filled in before signing at the bottom of the card. They are signing that the results given in the total boxes are correct. It is important that they sign underneath their own score, otherwise the card is invalid.

Penalty Points

The current rule is less than 10 minutes no penalty, between 10 and 20 minutes 1 point, between 20 and 30 minutes 2 points, and over 30 minutes 3 points.

The offending team should put the penalty points up on the scoreboard without the non-offending team having to ask for it to be done.